Sunday, November 28, 2010

Busty Legends - My 'Real Big Tits 37' pics

More pics fromBusty Legends This is from another shoot I did in LA.. so these are not new.. but new to me. They are from March 2008. Enjoy the links.. and here are the pics that I hadn't seen before...

Busty Legends - My Naughty America pics

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

New puppies!

No.. not my the 'puppies' on my chest.. actual live cute furry puppies.

I got them a week ago... this was something I'd been contemplating for some time. My beloved Lhasa Apso passed away almost 4 years ago.. and after she passed I took the opportunity to travel and of course ended up in LA etc to do porn. During my travels I spent some time in Arizona at Genie's (her porn site is now gone and she's retired from the biz) but she and her hubby had 4 yorkies who I fell madly in love with.

I decided when I was ready again I'd adopt 2 pups the same age so they could entertain one another..

This past summer I was with a friend at his boat and encountered a couple who had a mini-yorkie who was 'litter trained' and could go on the boat on a puppy pad. That clinched it for me. I hated walking my dog in the winter time because no matter how bundled up I was she couldn't keep warm enough or keep the booties on her feet to avoid freezing her delicate paws.

I found 2 brothers who hadn't been that well cared for (believe me this was a week for wanting to bitch-slap another person!) and immediately adopted them. They need to put weight on but they are otherwise fairly healthy.

Here are some pics!

The day after... some more thoughts

So.. telling a drug addict/alchoholic or any other kind of addict that their behaviour is distasteful to you.. will bring you no good deeds. I'm still learning obviously.. but just writing about the MissJenna mishap made me feel better.. because believe me I wanted to bitchslap her to her face for her nastiness to me yesterday (not that I'm violent but it crossed my mind).

I haven't posted her texts from yesterday because that would be overkill in this case.. and no.. it's not because I'm classier than her.. I stooped to this tattle tale level in the first place because well.. I CAN! I'm human after all..and it was therapeutic for me to write about it. But in doing so I knew she'd eventually read about it and be angry and lash out at me as a result.

She's so spineless though that in yesterday's attack on me she could only text me whereas I called her to express my opinions back after each text she sent and only got her voicemail. Anyone who is in the right is willing to talk face to face.. only a spineless, lying cowardly thief hides behind text messages.

Unfortunately over the years of being an escort I've been stolen from several times by a variety of types of people..many times when I couldn't prove who it was or in several cases didn't even have a clue who it was. This was the first time a person was foolish enough to give me proof and unapologetically so.. so damn tootin' I took advantage of that.

It's not the value of the dresses.. it's completely the principal of the thing... and the violation of my trust and generosity. Believe me when I told her to leave my house.. I had no clue she was a thief as well as a coke-head with bad ideas or I would have checked her luggage and locked up my purse before giving her the boot.

The person who steals is normally an addict and the addiction has fucked their brains so much that they think it's normal behaviour or that the person who they steal from deserves it. She has obviously justified her impulsive reckless methods of contact with prospective clients whether responding to her ad or unsuspecting men trying to pick her up that she's only available for hire and justifies taking what she wants from me because in her words yesterday I'm a crusty old bitch.

Oh.. this one was funny! In one of her texts Miss Jenna said the booze must be getting to my brain. I must be an alcholic because I drink everyday so I'm the pot calling the kettle black... my girlfriends I told this to laughed their asses off.. Now don't get me wrong... I can drink as good as any guy my size but I certainly don't do it every night. In fact I often go weeks without drinking. I'm a social drinker only.

What she doesn't get is that doing coke is not the same as drinking wine or beer (which she does as well and pot as well)... nor is it or was it ever solely about her coke use.. it was about her BEHAVIOUR. Addiction always is! It affects the addict and those around them.

One who does a hard drug like coke has a drug problem. Period!(in my opinion)
Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. It isn't about how much you can drink or how's whether it interferes in your life.. and believe me if it did I'd have no trouble giving it up. Doubt you can say the same Jenna about booze, pot or coke!

We did go out a lot when Jenna was here because Sara was also staying with me at the time.. and it was sooooo much fun for all 4 of us to go out to Carrie-oke during those 2 1/2 weeks... and we did have a blast. And yes I drank each time we went out.. but I don't do drugs. I also don't need to drink to have a good time. Jenna admitted to me that she was too shy if she didn't do coke.. and I witnessed this. Shy? or just jonesing? I'm not knowledgeable about her/her specific addiction or addiction in general to know.

You know this isn't the first time I've encountered this type of attack but it has been quite a while.. and it threw me for a loop. Funny how when this happens they have the same lame attacks on me.. that I'm the one who needs counselling not them. Killing the messenger much? Don't like the truth? One thing I don't hide from.. is the truth. I can take it and dish it out. I try my best when I can to do it without being angry but disrespect me and I have trouble keeping my temper. So far.. actually so good.. considering how she got my blood boiling yesterday.

I have been very blessed in my life and especially since I moved back to Ottawa 1 1/2 years ago. I treasure the friends I have made here and the support I get from them.. and thankfully I was able to commiserate with Annessa right after this happened and then we headed out on the town for a long missed night of Carrie-oke! I hadn't been out for a night like this in a couple weeks since Halloween weekend I guess..

I sang a couple of my favorite rock tunes.. "What's up" by 4 non-blondes and Ozzy's "Mama I'm comin' home". Singing some loud rock tunes is a great way for me to get my ya-ya's out and Annessa and I along with a few other friends had a blast.

Next post.. new puppies!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Fucking Bullshit part deux

Someone posted on Craigslist that Miss Jenna was acting hard up.. in that he called her once for information and she kept texting him to tell him of her availability.. and so he basically accused her of needing a line

Another guy posted that she emailed him from her rogers home acct.. (pretty dumb and exactly the type of thing I was talking about when I told her I didn't trust her judgement and believed it was due to her coke use.) He was mad that his daughter saw Jenna's texts.

She replied that it was her competition posting that..and that her 'reviews' speak for themselves.. (what she probably meant by that was me!) Right.. like I emailed the guy from your home acct Jenna.

Another guy then wrote that that was like comparing reviews to her phone discretion is like comparing apples to oranges. Her phone manner is one thing.. and service is another. Good point.. but then he went on to allude to my blog.. which I'm guessing Jenna hadn't had pointed out to her yet at this time.

Then another ad by Miss Jenna in which she mentioned sexy black dresses. Well this (or another) poster replied to that that the dresses were stolen.. again of course alluding to my blog.

I thought it was funny when I heard about it... UNTIL I got a nasty text from Jenna.. who of course still thinking she's done nothing wrong assumes it's me posting these responses on her ads.. or at least I'm the only one she can lash out at because she's still obviously very angry with me for kicking her out of my house.

It got my blood boiling and made me very upset.. so please friends and fans.. whomever is posting.. I know you think you're doing me a favor but use evidence of your own to badmouth Jenna. Then she won't be able to blame me.. thanks!

OH... and Jenna.. who is now claiming in text that she took the dresses by accident when packing.. why did you then tell me to fuck off when I asked for them back? You had ample time to return them when you realized they were in your bags.....

You think because you're mad at me you can take from me whatever you feel like in retribution? I've got news for you.. theft is theft.. and it's illegal.

Keep your story straight... I am saving all your texts. If you made a genuine mistake in taking them.. you could have apologized and brought them back.. or even had someone else do it.

You think I'm angry about the dresses? accusing me of being hard up and offering to throw me 30 bucks now? 30 bucks doesn't replace brand new 50 dollar dresses nor the money you stole from my wallet..

I'm angry about how you responded to everything. Grow up.. admit your mistakes and apologize. Try a 12 step program.

You can't seriously think I'm responsible for your inappropriate texts to prospective clients coming back to bite you on the ass. I have seen how you behave. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you'd go to that extreme to get business. Desperation is a HUGE turnoff..

Thursday, November 25, 2010