Thursday, October 17, 2024

Life update part 3

 So...during all this debacle of course began the plandemic. If you aren't aware that this worldwide gigantic experience was a scam and an experiment I guess I can't help you at this point. I've probably weaned out the sheeple in my followers because I'm certainly not shy in my opinions on the matter in my social media. Mind you anyone who shares their opinions that don't fit the mainstream narrative gets shadow banned so my social media gets very limited views. 

That right there should inform those with a braincell active that we live in communism. 

But as George Carlin I believe it was stated. They don't know they're being poisoned and brainwashed because they're being poisoned and brainwashed.  Something to that effect. (I'll look it up later but someone will comment the exact quote)

Anywho. I was vaxxine injured in my 20s ( and yes you've got to be sneaky about spelling so as not to trigger censorship)

I wasn't the least bit afraid of catching the fucking flue. The flu or a cold is merely your bodies way to remove toxins. Guess where the toxins come from ? Chemtrails, the food and water supply AND the poison darts they're so eager to coerce you into 

So many people are finally awake to this scam but what few know that those who've had the darts can shed those toxins onto and literally into the unsuspecting populace who did not partake. 

In the early days it was noticed by women who didn't get the darts who had sex with husband's who did that their periods were affected. That's shedding 

SO this was the nail in the coffin to my escorting career. I didn't make a big hullabaloo at the time. I only explained on a one to one basis why I no longer offered in person meets 

I already being immune compromised by my younger self getting darts (and yes every single one is a scam..being full of aluminum, mercury, dyes, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 etc etc .) I would not risk encounters with people who'd had the darts. How could I vet someone who claimed to be dart free? I couldn't. 

This is also why you see my shooting with a very small select few. Those who I previously knew to be on the same page as myself 

And there you have it. This is why I quit escorting after 30+ years. When the shots came out I quit. 

Thank god for

I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have this income stream. 

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